
'09 Volleyball T-Shirt Design

Original art

front of shirt

back of shirt, right shoulder

Because my husband is the head girls' volleyball coach at Sunset High School and my daughter is on the team, I get to design a volleyball t-shirt for the camp each year. It can be intimidating, frustrating, and fun!

Intimidating because I want to create a design that girls and boys ages 12-18 will like. The timing is perfect, however, because I can look through the back-to-school ads to see the latest fashion trends.

It can be frustrating because I'm not savvy on the computer and do all the art by hand, hoping that I give the printer enough information and they can figure out what I want! They did a fabulous job!

Fun because it is so different from the other art I am doing and my kids get excited and involved and I see my t-shirts all around the school!

I used watercolor paper, ink, a dip pen, water sprays, salt and splatters for texture.


Michelle said...

What a challenging task...coming up with something teens will like! (Yikes!) You did a brilliant job...very fun.

Dana Cooper said...

This is perfect and sure to be a winner for the boys AND girls. Being the mom of two boys, it was often their feeling that many things like this were too girly. Teenage boys can be a bit self conscious about anything that is less than manly. :)
Good luck in the upcoming season!

The Bull said...

I think you have succeeded very well in this endeavor! Great design, it has an air of sportiness and sophistication!

Tara Reed said...

I'd totally buy it! Especially if I could get an autographed copy... hint! hint!

Tara Reed

David R. Darrow said...

That's a very hip design (said the 52-year-old). Okay, so what do I know, but I like the balance, the texture, the "accidents" the layout and design. It's edgy and tattoo-like. I'll bet they absolutely loved it. Nice work!

Unknown said...

Wow!!! I want one!

Unknown said...

The pictures about the back of shirt, right shoulder,is really amazing to see,although this post is just great.

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