10"x 10"
acrylic on canvas
This is from another random photo. I was initially drawn to the composition, the light, color, the girl contemplating her laptop, but surprisingly, I really enjoyed painting her big yellow bag!
Painting available at Paradise Perks in Irvine, CA
I love paintings like these! I would love to do more of them. You did an awesome job Annie. My eyes were very entertained!
awesome as always
you are the master of the "slice of life" !! The Paradise is lucky to get your work for display. Top Notch!
Wonderful painting! I love the light hitting the yellow bag. I can see why you enjoyed painting this.
Hi Annie,
I just awarded you the Sunshine Blogger award. You can come to my site to retrieve it. Your work is stunning and altogether lovely.
Great job! Love all the yellows in this and the angled crop.
This painting cries out for the viewer to ask.... WHAT is she thinking??? Is she sad?? Is she trying to make an important decision... or is she just tired???
LOVE it as always.
Annie, this makes me wonder who will be your next painting! A note to all....."Warning, you may be the next victim of an Annie original"
Love it! Great composition
J'aime ces scènes vivantes ... Beau travail.
Love that you found my blog which enabled me to find yours. Absolutely love your paintings. I will email you.
Love this. Will be back soon!
I just found your blog. Your work is wonderful. I'll be back often.
grand idea to paint from random photos...
the selections are fantastic...
you have captured the picture into the painting in such a manner that you have really captured my mind...
good work...
Fantastic as usual Annie.
This is beautiful. I love your paintings, and the little moment of everyday you choose to paint.
This is so Portland Annie. great eye for subject matter:)
Oh what a great painting...you captured so much...so much life, so much of her world...the colors too!
Very interesting painting, great colors. I can see how you would enjoy painting that large yellow bag.
Love the composition. Wonderful angle and the yellow bag is beautifully rendered. Love your work.
Annie, I've checked back your past couple of blogs and the pieces you've done are simply magnificent. I haven't heard from you lately and you haven't been posting a lot..hope everything's OK. Your work is inspiring, and I hope you're just keeping busy.
Wow, I love these.
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